One of the big news stories recently was about the MAERSK TEXAS' embarked security team beating off as many as a reported 20 pirate skiffs during an attack in the Gulf of Oman. It was also reported that the Iranian Navy had responded and helped drive off the attackers. You can see both stories & links by clicking on "MAERSK TEXAS" in the Categories column to the right of the page.
It was an exciting story. But KC, who has transited the area recently, made some good points about the reporting of that story. His MAERSK TEXAS post, which you can access by clicking the pirate flag above, gave me food for thought about uncritically accepting the initial reporting - though, in truth, most news outlets also did just that. I won't say any more, as he's done it better - go to his blog post and see if you don't agree with his points!
I don't apologize for pointing to another blog when it's a good one - see my list on the "Links & Enthusiasms" page of this site for more. We in the maritime industry are lucky in the quality of folks who have decided to speak up about their end of the industry - active mariners who can give us the lowdown because they've been there, done that. I'm grateful for them, and keep finding new ones all the time.
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