Reid B Sprague (click for contact info & social links)
After a lifetime in the marine industry - which means a lifetime in the world writ large - I've seen many people from a variety of angles. Wherever I've been, I've tried to keep those disparate points of view working together. I've come to feel like the pear link, the link used in chain moorings to join different-sized bits.
Something has to bridge that gap - something has to accept each size component and link them securely together. When the pear link has done its work, the mooring system - big pieces and small - works together to make a mooring point you can trust.
The pear link is no more important than any other part of the mooring system, but it does a unique job. It's as strong as any chain link, but possesses a special capability. You need a pear link!
Something has to bridge that gap - something has to accept each size component and link them securely together. When the pear link has done its work, the mooring system - big pieces and small - works together to make a mooring point you can trust.
The pear link is no more important than any other part of the mooring system, but it does a unique job. It's as strong as any chain link, but possesses a special capability. You need a pear link!