HORIZON RELIANCE 2 - Heroic rescue by container ship HORIZON RELIANCE, continued. . .
You'll remember that some time ago (click on Horizon Reliance in the Categories listing on the right side of the page) the Horizon Lines containership HORIZON RELIANCE rescued three yachtsmen from a sinking sailboat in the Pacific, one of them a nine-year-old boy. In that earlier post Steven Itson, Chief Mate, was featured in a TV news interview.
Here, courtesy of Maritime Executive Magizine is a print interview with the HORIZON RELIANCE's Master, Captain James Kelleher. This is Part 1 of the interview; Part 2 will appear on Maritime Executive on Saturday, 3 March.
In this first interview, Capt. Kelleher tells in a matter-of-fact manner how his crew prepared for the rescue and located the distressed yacht. The rescue, as we know, was anything but matter-of-fact. But Capt. Kelleher's thorough preparations no doubt had much to do with its successful outcome.
Good reading, particularly if you're a deep-sea sailor (or a yachtsman). I can't wait to see Part 2, which will tell about maneuvering the large ship close to the yacht, and getting all three distressed mariners on board - no mean trick with a large ship in such weather! Enjoy.